StableNet Discovery & Inventory

StableNet® Discovery & Inventory

Improve network efficiency and capture your assets for insights

Discovery & Inventory at a glance


StableNet® discovers largely on its own in a most automated way the elements within the regarded IP- and IT infrastructure and system environment. It does also discover the communication relationships between the discovered elements and the physical and logical discovery.

From the traditional network endpoints to IoT endpoints to SDN/NFV variations, StableNet® discovers and allows for their inclusion in the network. Service discovery is a key feature of StableNet®.

More Discovery Features

Check out some of the key functionalities


Cisco ACI

Unify your network management environment


Datacenter Automation

Simplify your datacenter administration


Frameworx, eTOM, SID

Cross-vendor networks and services management



Manage your SDN Network with StableNet


Tagging & Grouping

A key to automation


Discovery Engine

A blueprint for infrastructure and connectivity

Key Benefits

See what StableNet® can do for you and why it matterss


    User-defined and credentials-based


      Automated inventory collection of nearly all devices regardless of manufacturer or device type

      Operational efficiency

        Automation of discovery and visibility of the network and its elements saving you time and money

        Cost control

          Cost-effective management of network assets

          End-of-Life & End-of-Service Management

            Identify and report on network and IT devices being listed EoL or EoS

            Drill-down to each layer

              Visualization of physical and logical network structure

              Ready for automated multi-vendor network management?

              Infosim StableNet Resources

              Selecting a Unified Network Management Solution –
              A Researcher’s Guide and RFI Checklist

              Infosim StableNet® - Selecting a Unified Network Management Solution – A Researcher’s Guide and RFI Checklist

              Managed Services using StableNet

              Infosim StableNet® - Managed Services

              Unify Your Infrastructure Management Systems for IoT

              Infosim StableNet® - Unify Your Infrastructure Management Systems for IoT

              How to Achieve Mulit-Cloud Monitoring

              Infosim StableNet® - How to achieve multi-cloud monitoring

              Contact Us


              Telnet Networks Inc.
              4145 North Service Rd. Suite 200
              Burlington, ON  L7L 6A3


              (800) 561-4019



              For More Information about Telnet Networks, our products, or our services, or to request a quote please feel free to contact us directly.

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