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Telnet Networks News

Telnet Networks News - We'll keep you up to date with what's happening in the industry.

OT Security: Establish a Visibility Foundation with Network Taps

Is your OT network secure enough? As the reliance on interconnected systems for critical operations grows, the security of Operational Technology (OT) networks becomes increasingly crucial. Traditional monitoring methods like SPAN ports often fall short, leaving your network exposed to vulnerabilities.Discover how Cubro network TAPs can be the corn...

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  2897 Hits

Leveraging a Visibility Architecture Really Can Make Your Life Easier!

A Visibility Architecture, is an end-to-end approach to network, application, and security visibility. For some, the first questions asked will likely be “What is a Visibility Architecture?” and “Can it really help me?” The answer to both questions is a resounding yes! First of all, what do we even mean by visibility? Visibility is defined by Webster as the “capability of being readily noticed” or “the degree of clearness.” By network or application visibility, for example, we are talking a...

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  8929 Hits

Load Balancing Your Security Solution for Fun and Profit!

Maximizing the Value and Resiliency of Your Deployed Enterprise Security Solution with Intelligent Load Balancing Correctly implementing your security solution in the presence of complex, high-volume user traffic has always been a difficult challenge for network architects. The data in transit on your network originates from many places and fluctuates with respect to data rates, complexity, and the occurrence of malicious events. Internal users create vastly different network traffic than extern...

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  7664 Hits

Year-End Network Monitoring Assessment

Planning for the Future As we approach the New Year, many organizations’ data centers and network configurations are in lockdown mode. Whether this is due to assuming a defensive posture against the onslaught of holiday ecommerce traffic, or an accommodation to vacationing staff, the situation provides network managers an opportunity to perform a year-end network monitoring assessment Establish Future Goals, Identify Current Weaknesses and Make Sure Core Tasks and Goals Are Achieved   Q. Ho...

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  8223 Hits

The Key Components of a Visibility Architecture

More mobile devices are now connecting to more data from more sources. IT challenges are complicated by increasingly high customer expectations for always-on access and immediate application response. This complexity creates network "blind spots" where latent errors germinate, and pre-attack activity lurks. Stressed-out monitoring systems make it hard, if not impossible, to keep up with traffic and filter data "noise" at a rate that they were not designed to handle. Network blind spots have beco...

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  5600 Hits

Packet Brokers: One Device, Five Benefits to IT

If the term Network Packet Broker (NPB) is not familiar, now is the time to get acquainted with this invaluable and frequently overlooked device. Think of NPBs as helpful middlemen that sort, distribute, and optimize the flow of network data going to your monitoring and security tools. By receiving only the data they need and eliminating irrelevant...

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  2326 Hits

What Makes a Network TAP the Right Tool for Monitoring

In today's connected world, your network is one of your most important assets. An underperforming network is something you cannot afford, be it from a performance or from a security standpoint, because it can greatly hinder your business's capabilities.In order to ensure optimum performance and security at all times, network engineers need a clear,...

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  2723 Hits

Reduce the cost of tool sprawl with smarter network monitoring

By Jason Lackey, Network and Security Marketing, Keysight Technologies Monitoring tools have always been critical for ensuring network performance and security. Top vendors have designed new tools specifically for monitoring networks with virtualization, cloud infrastructure, distributed data centers, and edge computing. Way back in 2016, Enterpris...

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  2706 Hits

How to Implement Security Monitoring For Critical Infrastructure

​I ran across an interesting statistic a couple weeks ago. According to a Ponemon Institute, report titled "The State of Cybersecurity in the Oil & Gas Industry", 68 percent of security and risk managers reported losing confidential information or experiencing disruption over the previous year. The existence of security breaches for the last fi...

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  3551 Hits

Hybrid IT Monitoring: The ABCs of Network Visibility

​The recently released 2019 State of the Cloud report by RightScale found that 58% of 800 technical professionals surveyed use a hybrid strategy [1]. Combining on-premises, virtual, and cloud-based resources offers great flexibility, but managing hybrid IT is also more complex. IT teams need new strategies to monitor their hybrid infrastructure eff...

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  4019 Hits

Ixia - Exposing Hidden Security Threats and Network Attacks

How do you ensure maximum service availability while protecting and securing your enterprise? IT departments have been wrestling with this problem for years. Virtualization and mobility are expanding the traditional network boundary, which means data and assets no longer sit in a single location behind a firewall.  Network security monitoring ...

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  3886 Hits

iBypass and Thoughts in a Traffic Jam

​Each of us has sat in standstill traffic, trying to understand why this major highway we drive all the time has suddenly backed up, with our phone maps application showing a line of red for the next mile or two. As we crawl towards the bottleneck, we see it: A fender bender with dented cars still blocking a lane of traffic. We see police on the sc...

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  3675 Hits

Reduce the cost of tool sprawl with smarter network monitoring

Monitoring tools have always been critical for ensuring network performance and security. Top vendors have designed new tools specifically for monitoring networks with virtualization, cloud infrastructure, distributed data centers, and edge computing. Way back in 2016, Enterprise Management Associates found that 24% of enterprises used 6-10 monitor...

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  3780 Hits

The Best Way To Optimize Load Balancing for Inline Security Appliances

In today's 24x7, "always on" world, the company's data network must be as reliable as possible. Otherwise, revenue reduction and productivity losses are not only possible, but probable. This includes inline security and monitoring tools which can become a single point of failure. Security and monitoring tool survivability is often thought about in ...

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  3869 Hits

Basic Rules for Network Data Visualization Access

More and more managers and system admins feel challenged when dealing with the mass of information and volume of data that passes through their network each day. Network data visualization access tools help network admins keep an eye on what is always happening on the their network. This means these tools play an important role in any complex ...

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  3959 Hits

Ixia, a Keysight Business, Delivers Scalable Visibility for Data Centers Today and Tomorrow

​Ixia's Vision X network packet broker offers a high-density, modular platform to keep pace with evolving data center needs "Today's network and security operations teams are faced with increasing data volumes and velocity that are exceeding human scale," said Bob Laliberte, Sr. Analyst at ESG. "It is impossible to effectively manage the security a...

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  4406 Hits

All You Need to Know About the Network Packet Brokers

​The last decade experienced an overwhelming increase in network size, bandwidth, and traffic. IT companies were, therefore, forced to adapt by developing the next-generation of security and network monitoring tools. This new wave of tools exposed a greater need for advanced network visibility, one that traditional data center monitoring devices co...

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  4258 Hits

Deploying Inline Security Tools

Anyone in network security knows that it is a complicated and involved process. The clear goal is to prevent security breaches. How do you go about that though? There are so many schools of thought, methods, and configurations. Here are just a few examples: Cyber range trainingCyber resilienceDefense in depthEncryptionEndpoint securityFirewallsInli...

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  13506 Hits

Network Security Works Only If You See The Right Traffic

Security is nowadays an important part of network management. Secure networks are vital for running an uninterrupted business, preventing data loss and maintaining the overall image of the business. Security challenges are increasing because networking is getting more complex, more dynamic and virtual. The existing approach of network visibility li...

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  3774 Hits

How to Detect if a Rootkit Compromised Your System

​The importance of having a quality network test access port (TAP) when conducting Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR) has been covered in a white paper by Profitap, titled "Special Tool for Special Forces: Tapping into real-time threats in the cyberspace". In addition to the points presented in the white paper, I would like to provide a...

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  4107 Hits

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Telnet Networks Inc.
4145 North Service Rd. Suite 200
Burlington, ON  L7L 6A3


(800) 561-4019



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